Monday 23 June 2008

Our Two Month Anniversary

Yesterday marked 2 months since we've been home with Marta Alicia. I can't say whether it seems like forever or yesterday. It's been an intense two months full of challenge and growth for all of us. Most times it feels like we're in a bubble with the world carrying on around us...and without us. As someone once said, "It's hard work to heal a heart" and the surprise is learning my own wounds need to heal before I can help her heal. Sometimes the grief is overwhelming, and for good cause--a lot has been lost. But much has been gained, too, and that is our hope. Beneath the pain and trauma is a beautiful, sweet, gentle, loving, thoughtful, fun-loving reflection of God. We are truly blessed. :)

Thursday 5 June 2008

Please Pray for our Friends

On Monday night, 6-2-08, our friends were in a terrible accident. It happened at the farm where the pictures were taken (at the right) with the horses. Our friend, Phil (in the picture leading Marta on the horse) was riding with Gracie and Dee Dee (the two girls on the left of the picture with the 4 girls). Gracie, the oldest who was 9 (with the glasses), was killed. Dee Dee's skull was fractured and Phil received multiple broken bones. It is a horrible tragedy and loss. We and the kids meet at this family's house each week for Bible Study, so they are very dear to us. The three girls were sisters adopted from Romania 6 years ago, so our hearts ache all the more for them. Please pray. Thank you.

Saturday 10 May 2008

Marta's first day HOME!

We were all up at 10am, Tuesday morning. Marta got dressed and put her winter coat on as she was chilly. :) As we were hanging out in the kitchen looking out the window, I pointed down the street and told her where Mimi (Tim's Mom) lived. She asked me to help her put her sneakers on and before I knew what she was doing she flew out the door, ran down the driveway and down the street! She stopped midway to turn and wave at me, then kept running. She stopped at the first house and pointed, looking back at me inquisitively. I indicated the next one and she took off running again, rounded the fence and started up the driveway. Meanwhile, I was frantically calling Marie to alert her of her fast approaching visitor. We were incredulous and quite amused. As expected, Marie greeted her with the all of the warmth one could ever wish in a grandmother. Since I was still in my PJ's, Tim threw a jacket on and sauntered down to join her. This was our unexpected introduction to the adventurous and sometimes unpredictable nature of the little being that had just graced our lives. I must admit, I checked later with our attachment therapist as I wasn't sure this was a good or bad sign. Her response: "She had a destination. That was good. It's when they don't have a destination that you need to worry." Whew! :)

Marta came home with Tim shortly after, and then returned to Mimi's with Caleb once he had gotten dressed. They visited for a while and then met the family across the street. They have 4 children, two boys and two girls, ages 5-10, who have been anxious for Marta to come home, too. Marta was VERY shy and that's when we started realizing the disparit between how quickly she feels safe and comfortable with our adult friends but how frightened she is to interact with other children. Her fear of rejection runs deep--there is so much healing to be done...

About noon we finally sat down to eat breakfast. I was SO excited when she dug into the refried black beans I had made (and frozen) before our trip! "Rico," (Yummy!) she said as she gobbled them up! (Thank you, Carlos, for the recipe!!!) When breakfast was over, she started eating the leftovers out of the serving dish and ate every last bit of them. What a great feeling!

The afternoon was spent running amuck in the yard chasing bubbles with Caleb. Exuberance is a great descriptive word for Marta Alicia. Children are a gift from the Lord and each of them bring different things to our lives. One of the gifts that Marta is bringing to my life is living life with abandon. About 95% of the time, Marta is happy, happy, happy. When things aren't "right' in her world, the intensity of her fear is equal or greater, but it doesn't take long given the right support to come back to a place of joy. Living in the moment is something she does REALLY well!

By mid-afternoon she was asking to go visit "Tia" (Auntie) Kristin (Tripp) who had gone to Guatemala with us in December. She and I went to visit and Marta met her 4 children and husband, Ramsey. Again, Marta was very shy, but still wanted to hang out for a while. During our visit, we spotted a small pile of snow in the neighbor's yard. It wasn't very big and was quite soiled, but we ran over and played a bit in it anyway. She was VERY excited to finally see some snow! (She still hasn't quite grasped the fact that after all the pictures of snow we showed her and the months we talked about it on the phone that she has to wait a good 6 months or more before it will snow again!)

On our way home, we were passing Josh Cousineau's house (who she had met the night before at the airport). I pointed out his house to her and she said, "Let's go visit!" Goodness! It's SO unlike me to just drop in on anyone, so I tried calling their house and cell and got no answer. Just to satisfy her we turned around and went back to knock on the door. Low and behold they were all home! They invited us in and we had a GREAT visit for about an hour (see what I mean about gifts?). When we left, they gave her 3 DVD's in Spanish to borrow. Dora has been a GREAT hit--something she watches over and over during down time for comfort as much as anything. Thanks, Josh and Anna!

By 9:30pm we were all tucked in bed for a great night's sleep! One day down, a life-time to go! :)

Saturday 3 May 2008

Monday--homeward bound

Monday morning my number one priority was getting to the Embassy to get Marta's corrected Visa. Sonia, our translator, couldn't go with us as her car was in the shop, so I had detailed instructions. Her beau dropped the documents we needed off at the front desk of our hotel and by 7:45am I was off to the Embassy. I explained that I just needed to pick up a Visa and was able to talk my way to the front of the line both outside and inside. The woman at the window knew who I was and had everything waiting for me. Piece of cake, I thought, and headed out the door. As I left the Embassy I thought I was leaving through the door I had come in, so I turned right and started cruising for the hotel. Suddenly, I was being heckled by several men, "Wanna picture? Photo, Ma'am? Taxi, wanna taxi?" I just ignored them, and headed toward the left where I thought the hotel was. Suddenly, I realized that nothing looked familiar and I had no idea where I was. At that point, the men started walking toward me still asking me if I wanted a photo or a taxi. With a quick scan right and left in a desperate attempt to get my bearings, I confirmed I was lost. Fortunately, one of the Embassy guards whistled at the men and motioned for them to back off. I approached him quickly and asked where La Casa Grande was. He said he didn't speak any English, but when I repeated La Casa Grande he said something about "su cuarto?" (your room?) and I said, "yes." He pointed me back in the opposite direction. A bit shaken at how quickly I could end up in a vulnerable position I hurried back to the hotel, my little venture having only taken 10 minutes. :)

We had breakfast, finished packing for the last time and waited for the taxi. While we were hanging out I met a woman there who was adopting a gorgeous 3 year old boy with Cerebral Palsey. She had 2 bio children and this was her 8th adopted child! As we talked she spoke of two more that they were considering. She named off the 5 different countries they had adopted from, at first getting stuck at 4 and not remembering which was the 5th! :) Anyway, she lives in Ohio but is coming out to Maine for Mother's Day weekend to speak about adoption. Hopefully, she'll remember to email me the details so we can connect again. When the taxi came we grabbed one more photo in front of the hotel and headed for the airport.

Our attachment therapist had given us a great idea to take photos on our trip down to Guatemala and then put them in an album in reverse order so Marta could visualize the trip home. It was a wonderful idea and really helped a lot. Marta quickly got the hang of all of the security measures: take off your shoes and coat, put everything you hold dear onto a conveyor belt and watch it disappear into a machine. Walk through the tunnel and gather everything back up again. Then later watch as they paw through all of your beloved belongings and confiscate the water you JUST bought INSIDE the airport and then board the plane. It was really fun watching her take on this new experience. She is very intuitive and works hard to pick up quickly how everything is done. Inside, I explained all the buttons and which one not to push (the call button for the flight attendant) which I later pushed myself by mistake, ooops! :)

Marta did great flying, without sleeping a wink, of course. It wasn't until later when she was home and talking to her foster family that I heard her say she was scared. :) And who wouldn't be? She did seem a little nervous on the first descent (no ear pain, thankfully!), and Caleb livened it up with his mock (sign language) airplane crash which I quickly insisted he modify to a gentle perfect "Grandpa" landing (My Dad was a United pilot known for his smooth landings). Marta still jokes about it. :)

We had a quick stop in Atlanta where we were doing our best to hurry through Immigration, Customs. We had an additional step for Marta as this was the point at which she legally became a United States citizen! Bienvenida, Marta Alicia! By the time we finished everything we had 15 minutes to ride the tram to the opposite side of the airport for our flight. When we got off the tram we started running. Just as we were about to reach our gate I had this urge to check the monitor only to discover they had changed not only the gate but the terminal, too! So, we turned and headed back in the opposite direction running with even more determination. Back down the escalator, onto the tram, try to breath, off the tram, run up the escalator, down the corridor arriving hot and out of breath at the gate with only a few minutes to spare. Whew! This was NOT a flight we wanted to miss! Gracias a Dios!

Finally, we arrived at Logan Airport about 10:30pm. I called Barb to let her know we had landed. She was there with Marie (Tim's Mom) and her son Josh to pick us up. It took quite a while for us to get off the plane and it was quite a distance to baggage claim, much to their chagrin! We finally made it and Josh caught our initial meeting on tape. Thanks, Josh! :) We went to claim our luggage, only to find out that 3 of our suitcases didn't make it. We had Tim's and my suitcase and Caleb's suitcase, but not Marta Alicia's! Poor thing! She looked really worried and lost until I explained it would come the next day, then she was fine. What a trouper!

We had a great trip home in the van. Marta fell asleep right away, Caleb hung out with "Mimi" and then fell asleep on her shoulder (she had really missed him a lot, so she was happy camper), Tim and Josh talked shop and I bent Barb's ear processing the trip all the way home. We arrived at 2am to a house full of balloons, 1/2 floating on the ceiling and the other 1/2 covering the floor. It was beautiful and festive and just perfect (Thank you, Glenda!). We spent 2 hours exploring the house and her room together before finally going to sleep. What a feeling-our family of four finally HOME!!!!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Sunday and saying Good-bye

On Sunday, everyone was up and about by 8am. As the kids ran in and out of our room playing, Caleb saw what he thought was a piece of candy near Marta's stash and thought to pick it up and put it in her box. However, when he picked it up he realized it was just an empty wrapper and put it back on the table where he found it. Nancy saw him put the empty wrapper down and, thinking he was pilfering her candy, told Marta. Marta flew into a rage, smacked Caleb on the arm a couple of times and went and took a handful of Caleb's candy. Caleb started saying, "I didn't do it, I didn't do anything." I hadn't seen what happened, but I could tell Caleb was innocent, so I told Marta so. She became doubly mad at me for taking Caleb's side and flew out of the room with the girls in toe. Yikes!

After a couple of minutes, I was able to get Caleb to explain in detail to me exactly what happened. He went out to play with Carlos and Reyna wandered in. I explained to her what happened and she was very understanding. We had an awesome talk about how difficult it was at first for Marta in Reyna's family. She had a very hard time believing they really loved her like their own children. She said it took about 2 months for it to get better and for her to settle in. She also explained that she used to get the most mad at Carlos, of all the children (and yet the night before it was the two of them that seemed the closest). Before long, the girls came flying back in the room and so I explained to Marta what Caleb had done. Instantaneously, she said she was sorry and came to give me a hug, then said sorry to Nancy and gave her a hug. Then I explained to her that I don't love Caleb more than her, that I love them both. Reyna jumped right in with her support and encouragement, reinforcing everything I said. It was really beautiful. And then I told her that Caleb really loves her and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. At that point, Caleb came in and we explained that Marta understood what had happened. Reyna encouraged Marta to apologize and to give Caleb a hug, explaining to me that in their house they always hug after an apology. Marta did. Next, she went into the other room and got Caleb's candy and her candy and poured it all into the SAME container!!! Caleb was astounded and came running to tell me, he was SO happy! The two of them are still working away at that stash of candy and haven't once spat over another piece! Amazing!

Before breakfast, we spent some more time chatting with Reyna and Fidel. With Carlos' help they wrote down 15 different kinds of food that Marta likes. I have a Guatemalan cookbook, so making these for her will be fun. We also exchanged phone numbers and addresses so that we can be sure to keep in touch. Reyna has no contact with the little girl she fostered before Marta and so has needed a lot of reassurance that we will keep in touch. I'm glad they want this, too. They are such a special family. We are very blessed to know them.

Next we had breakfast all together. The kids had staring contests while waiting for the food and it was pretty hysterical to see who could and couldn't keep a straight face (Marta has a look that can kill, as does Nancy. Vilma and Caleb giggle hopelessly!). After breakfast the kids went to swim in the hot tubs again, but they were too hot, so they ran through the cold waterfall until they couldn't take it any longer. Then, we got all of our things packed up and ready for check-out.

For lunch we headed down the hill to the hotel we had stayed at in July 2007. They have a large pool with a 2 story slide. The kids all wanted to swim, but unfortunately, there was no time at that point. Instead we went to have lunch on the veranda with views of the lake and a local band playing indiginous music. When we first arrived at the restaurant, Marta wanted to go play on the miriad of hammocks in the garden, but Reyna told her we needed to eat first. Marta got angry and said she wasn't hungry. Reyna told her she still needed to wait. Marta refused to order any food and kept insisting that she be able to go play. It was great for me to see this interaction between them. Reyna just laughed and tried to cajole her, but without giving in. We finally ordered and then told the kids they could go play, but she was so mad that she wouldn't go play! Finally, Nancy grabbed her hand and pulled her along to join the other kids and she was off and "it" was over. Tim and I and Reyna and Fidel had another good talk about Marta--their insights were so helpful!

Finally, we headed back up to our hotel to await our shuttle back to Guatemala City. We had thought Reyna et. al. were going to stay in Panajachel for a few more days visiting with Fidel's Aunt, but instead they said they were headed back to the city. We were able to arrange for them to ride with us in our van, so that worked out well and saved them a long bumpy ride on 4 different "chicken buses". While we were waiting, Reyna asked a woman at the hotel to come help translate for us. I was pleasantly surprised by this conversation, simply because there really wasn't anything that Reyna wanted to tell us that I hadn't already understood from previous conversations! The language piece was truly a God-thing! But this was a chance for she and Fidel to clearly communicate to us how greatful they were for everything we had done and how happy they are that we are Marta's family. It also allowed us to tell them that we view their gift of love for Marta as a far greater gift, one that will help her throughout the rest of her life. We reiterated how important it will be for Marta to retain a relationship with them into the future--that they will always be an important part of her life. They will help her retain a connection with Guatemala, the language, culture, food, etc. Lastly, we were able to tell them just how blessed we feel to know them, they are truly an amazingly wonderful and special family, hand-picked by God to love our daughter through an incredibly crucial transition!

Soon, we were off, all piled comfortably into the van. Did I mention the road is bumpy and windy? After about 45 minutes with Caleb and Carlos riding in the back we heard an urgent cry for a plastic bag! As Tim frantically searched for one, the requests got more persistent until I finally just asked the driver to stop. The door flew open and out went Caleb to loose his lunch. Before long, Carlos joined him. :) Unfortunately, we had stopped by a farm and as the boys were doing their thing, our van filled up quickly with flies! In fact, by the time they were done, the van ceiling was completely covered with them! Yuk! Fortunately, they mostly clung to the ceiling and not to us! As we took off again, we opened all the windows and within 10 minutes or so had managed to shoo most of them out.

We arrived back at our hotel in Guatemala City late in the afternoon. Reyna called for a taxi for her family. We visited and the kids played while we waited. It was definitely a bit tense, knowing this was the final good-bye. It was dark when the taxi pulled up and we all went out to say good-bye. As the taxi drove out... well, let's just say I have a knot in the pit of my stomach just remembering. I carried her out by the water fountain and we sat together in the chairs in the garden. We wept with her as she experienced this loss in all of it's profundity. I ached for her pain and could only begin to imagine the depth of it.

After 25-30 minutes, Marta asked to go back inside. We went to our room and she watched TV for a little while. Then we went out and had a wonderful dinner at the steak restaurant down the street. When we went back to the hotel, it was late. Bedtime was hard for Marta and she wept for quite a while again. We comforted her best we could and then eventually turned out the light. "Mama, aren't you going to read to me?" I heard (in Spanish, of course). We turned the light back on and I started reading. Before long she was fast asleep. I smiled. She always seems to know just what she needs, we just need to listen well and pay attention. :)

Sunday 27 April 2008

Saturday in Panajachel

We woke up bright and early Saturday morning and were down waiting for our van at 8am. By 8:15am I called to find out why they hadn't come yet only to learn the night before they had only made a reservation and since we hadn't confirmed it (in our spare time) they had canceled it. Ahhh! However, for an extra chunk of change, they would come at 9am for a private shuttle! Whew! Bring it on!

So, we were off at 9am for the 2 hour, very bumpy, very mountainous trip to Panajachel. There are few ventures that turn me green around the gills, and that is one of them. We arrived pretty tired (there's a lot of hanging on to do around the corners, too) but thrilled to see Reyna, Fidel, Carlos (12 years old), Vilma (10 years old) and Nancy (8 years old)! We settled into our room and headed off for lunch. We learned this was the first time Reyna and Fidel had ever stayed in a hotel, so they had taken oodles of pictures of their family around the gardens. They were beautiful and they looked like they had just been on their honeymoon! It was VERY sweet!

We had a great lunch together. The 5 kids together are truly amazing! Caleb and Carlos ordered a HUGE lunch for 2 for the both of them (that they could never possibly finish) and by the time we were done the food had been passed back and forth down the table and things had been pretty well cleaned up.

After lunch we all took a walk to visit Fidel's Aunt Teresa, who works at a little restaurant just up from our hotel. There we also met one of his neices who was visiting from Tajulmulco, where they live. We visited for just a short while as Teresa was sick and not feeling well.

Next we decided to go swimming in the lake (which is immense!). Everyone changed into their bathing suits except for Tim and I. Although the view is prestine, the water isn't necessarily and we were a little leary. We headed down the hill to the water, laughing and giggling all the way. We found a spot and they all went in--although not too far. We discovered quickly their fear of water and so they sat on the edge, waiting for the foot sized waves to come in, screaming wildly with each one. It was a hot sunny day and it was delightful!

After swimming for quite a while, we headed back up to our hotel. The kids managed to get a few Queztales from each set of parents, so each little candy shop we passed was a new delight. It was fun to watch them buy candy and share it with each other, trying different varieties. As we neared the hotel, Tim and Martita snuck off alone. In Antigua, we had started planning a "fiesta" for her foster family (Tim's ingenious idea), to celebrate Vilma's and Fidel's birthdays, but mostly to say "Thank you!". It was to be a surprise, so Tim and Martita stole away several times to order a "postel" (cake) and to buy a pinata, candy and balloons. The others caught on that something was amiss, which made it all the more fun.

Back at the hotel we discovered two hot tubs, a sauna and refreshing waterfall. We all changed back into bathing suits and went to try it out. By this time we were already completely exhausted, hot and tired, so slipping into a perfectly tempered hot tub was heavenly! As we started relaxing in the water, I noticed Carlos, Vilma and Nancy hovering around the edges and clinging to the stairs. They were truly afraid. Caleb and Martita were in the water playing and having a great time. Before long, Martita started showing off her newly acquired skills (from swimming in Antigua) of jumping into the water, going under the water, floating on her back, etc. Her foster family was amazed! Their expressions only gave her more fuel to show off and try more, which fueled their curiousity. Slowly but surely, starting with Reyna, they all started trying to put their faces in the water, then to try to practice kicking, then to try to swim under the water, then to try to float on their backs. In time, all three children let me hold them, jump three times and then go under the water with them! "Otra vez, Otra vez!" they would cry (one more time, one more time!) It was truly the most amazing transformation watching little Martita lift her foster family out of fear into new-found joy! It was an incredible privilege for me to watch and one I won't soon forget.

As we were finishing up in the hot tub Tim went and ordered pizza for dinner. Between the two buildings where our rooms were there were three charming tables with chairs outside where we set up for dinner. After the pizza, the party began. First, Marta brought out the cake with a "10" candle on it for Vilma with the balloons. We all sang. Next she brought out the pinata, which she and Tim had stuffed with candy. It was hard to find a place to hang it properly, but eventually with Fidel holding it and one of Tim's shoes they managed to crack it open. After that we brought out the suitcase of gifts for them. I gave Reyna the album filled with pictures of Marta Alicia from the last 15 months. She went through each one and was so pleased. Then Marta Alicia gave Reyna the picture I had brought of her in a frame and the dam broke. The tears flowed hard and for a very long time with the whole family. It was very good.

As the emotions began to subside, Marta Alicia gave Reyna a necklace I had put together with the same picture in it. Reyna pressed to to her heart and kept saying, "Thank you, thank you," and cried some more. Then we started giving the kids their clothes, which they ran off with to change and model. I am always grateful how well they all fit each time (lots of prayers go up when I'm shopping!). Then Marta Alicia ran in the room to get her special gift for Reyna--a new blender! Marta had asked us to bring one for Reyna "because she doesn't have one" and so it was a special moment as Reyna relished in Marta Alicia's thoughtfulness. For Fidel we gave a gift of money. He is currently farming and the harvest won't be ready until late fall. Reyna was working as a foster mom, but with adoptions now shut down there is no more work for her. It will be a difficult year for them. Lastly, we had given them a camera but developing pictures is quite expensive in Guatemala. Last summer we had bought a picture printer, but hadn't really used it much, so we passed it along to them so they can print out all the pictures from the trip without it costing them a fortune. Carlos is their "technical guy" and with a few pointers had it going beautifully. :)

Finally, we got to eating the cake. Marta Alicia wasn't all that hungry after all the candy and emotions, so she passed on it. As things were winding down, she came and asked me if she could spend the night with Reyna. Fortunately, I had anticipated this question and was happy to go get her toothbrush and pajamas for her. After they all left and we were settling in for the night, Reyna came back to ask if Carlos could sleep with Caleb! So, within a short time the boys were settled in and we were settled in for a very good nights sleep!

Saturday 26 April 2008

(Going slightly backwards) Friday and the eye fiasco

Friday we all had a great last day of school. It was another beautiful day and we enjoyed our teachers so much (I believe Marta snuck off to the market with hers to get some fruit, lol!)

After school we got busy packing while Tim ran off to the bank to get enough money for the weekend. We had a 4pm shuttle scheduled to Panajachel, a two hour drive from Antigua through the mountains to a volcanic lake, surrounded by 3 other volcanoes. We were excited to go and had already received a call that Reyna and the family had arrived and we waiting for us.

About 2:40pm I started to realize that my eye was getting worse, not better. I began to worry and wonder if I got to Panajachel whether there would be a doctor I could see if I needed one, especially in a smaller village and especially on the weekend. My last visit to the optomotrist had taken about 45 minutes including going to the pharmacy, so I decided I'd better try to go see him again quickly before we left. However, the last time I had gone, I had gone with my teacher and didn't quite remember how to get there, so I ran down to the office to get directions. They drew me a map, I ran back upstairs to tell Tim I was going and to get the key and then I was off.

About half way there I realized I had forgotten my map! Thinking I didn't have time to go back and get it I kept going hoping I would remember enough to find it. JUST as I was about to PASS the little mall area where the office was, the Optomotrist stepped out onto the sidewalk DIRECTLY in front of me! I was stunned, took one look at him, pointed at him and said, "I was just coming to see you!" He turned right around and headed back into the mall with me. This time he examined my eye with his little hand-held light gadget about twice as long as the last time, spending quite a bit of time comparing both eyes. When he finally finished, he said that I really needed to go see someone with better equipment. Oh, dear, I thought, not good for my eye or our schedule.

As he looked up the Opthomologist's office and phone number I looked up our travel agency and called them to tell them we wouldn't make our 4pm shuttle. He asked if I wanted it rescheduled for 5:30pm and I said I wasn't sure when I'd be ready and that I'd call him. By then the Optomotrist had the information I needed and gave it to me. I looked at it and asked him where it was. He didn't know and couldn't find a map in the phone book, so he said my best bet was to take a little "tuk-tuk". These are little 3 wheeled vehicles with canvas tops that basically fit the driver and two people in the back. I had never taken one before, let alone by myself, so he came back out to the street to help me hail one. He was a sweet man from Columbia, that had spent 6 years working in Costa Rica and had been in Guatemala only 2 years. When we decided the street was too quiet to find a tuk-tuk and that I needed to head down further to toward the market, he said good-bye and asked me to come back and tell him what was wrong with my eye, if I had a chance. I promised him I would, if I could.

I headed down the street and quickly found an available tuk-tuk. The driver looked a little confused at first, and then nodded his head "yes" and we were off. All the streets in Antigua are very old cobblestone and I'm not sure whether tuk-tuks even have shocks, so it was a loud bumpy ride as I frantically tried to count blocks and keep my bearings. We finally stopped on a street and he pointed across the street and said, "There it is" (in Spanish, of course). I looked across the street and was horrified to see what looked like an abandoned warehouse. I said, "No, that's not it" in my very best Spanish. He argued with me and said it is, "Look, number 1" I said, "No, that says 18" After arguing for another round he finally got out and asked a man on the street who pointed down the street further. I was SO relieved. Finally, I spotted the sign for the office, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed. He stopped. I was told not to pay any more than 10 Quetzales, "no more!". He charged me 20, of course, but by then I didn't really care.

As I walked up to the glass and steel bar door I had a moment of panic as the tuk-tuk drove away and the office looked closed. I read the sign "Abierto" and desperately searched my brain thinking, "That means open, doesn't it?" As I peered in, a young woman at the desk gestured how to open the door. What a relief!

I explained that I had a problem with my eye and she said they work by appointment only and she could give me one on Monday. I explained that I was leaving for the weekend and needed to see someone right away. She said she could fit me in on an emergency basis, but that I'd need to wait until all the other patients were seen first. I figured I didn't have a better option, so I went to sit down and wait. Then I realized that Tim didn't know where I was, nor that I had post-poned our shuttle. I went back to the desk to see if I could find the phone number for our school to call him. Neither I nor the young woman could find it in the phone book. She said, "It's going to be a while, so if you want to go home and then come back, that's fine." I started to cry. I said, "I just took a tuk-tuk here and I don't even know where "home" is and I was supposed to be leaving for Panajachel in 20 minutes..." At that point she began to have more compassion and said she'd ask the two patients in front of me if I could go before them. I thanked her, sat back down to wait and just cried some more. :)

In a few minutes I got myself together enough to think about calling home for some help (I'm so grateful the cell phones work internationally there!). I called Barb, but no answer. I called Mary and said she was taking a nap and could we talk later? Ahhh! LOL! I explained that I was in a "situation" and really needed her help, so she got up to look up the school number on the internet. (Thanks for the help, Mare!) I called the school and was able to reach Tim and tell him what was up. That helped a lot. A few minutes later the doctor arrived for his afternoon appointments. The young woman came over and asked the 2 patients (a family who spoke English and so were aware of what was going on) if I could go before them. They said, "No!" So, I cried some more! LOL!

Finally, about 4:30pm I was called in. The doctor spoke English, which was a HUGE blessing. He did a thorough exam and said I had inflamation behind the cornea but that he needed to dialate my eyes to make sure there wasn't anything more going on in the back of my eye. I thought, "Oh, great! More time!" So, back in the waiting room I went for 3 rounds of drops. Meanwhile, a young man came in with a patch over his eye. When the doctor came to call the next lady, she said, "Oh, no, take him first!" She warmed my heart. She started talking away to me in Spanish and then paused, "Do you understand?" I said, "Only a little" and then she switched to English and we had the most pleasant conversation. What an angel. Her daughter was there (who was probably my age) trying on glasses and we all got laughing at the different ones she tried. In time, the man came back out to join me to get his eyes dialated and the doctor took the woman and her daughter in. The only drawback to her friendliness was that it took quite a bit longer for her appointment as she was good friends with the doctor! LOL! But when she went to leave, she looked back and waved and I and the other man waved at her. What a sweetie!

While that was happening, Tim called to say the driver had shown up at the school to pick us up! It was 5:15pm. I explained that I had told him I didn't know when I would be ready and not to come until I called. I got off the phone and called the travel agency and happened to get the owner. She explained that it was getting much too late to travel to Panajachel and that if I wasn't ready, she didn't think we should go (it's a dangerous drive at night). She said she'd call the driver and talk with him. A few minutes later Tim called back to say we weren't going, that we were set up with an 8am shuttle the next day and could stay another night in our apartment. Whew!

Finally, I got back in to see the doctor and the back of my eye checked out alright. He prescribed 50mg of Prednisone (ugh!), Prednisone drops and dialator drops. I was able to get the drops from him, but needed to go to the pharmacy to get the pills. I paid my bill and then asked how far the main square was from the office. The woman said it was 5 blocks--a straight shot. So, I headed out (loathing to pay double for another tuk-tuk) and started trucking. It was 6pm and dusk was falling. I made it back to the square, and from there headed home. Because I promised, I went one block out of my way to try to find the Optomotrist, but his office was closed for the night. :( I made it home just as darkness fell, tired, safe and happy.

Next as we gathered ourselves together to head out for dinner, I realized we needed to call Reyna to tell her we wouldn't be able to make it to Panajachel that night. I called and asked if she was in the hotel and she said, yes. I sighed with relief and let her talk with Marta. But then Marta gave me the phone back and Reyna put the woman at the hotel on the phone. She explained in English that the family was here but they have no money. I said one of the rooms is for them. She explained that they couldn't let them in the hotel room without the travel agency voucher that WE HAD! Ahhh!!!! I frantically tried to explain about the doctors and that we were coming in the morning and we had paid for the room, etc. and she kept saying they couldn't do it without the voucher and then my cell phone went DEAD--no more minutes! Ahhhh!!!!!!!! So, we started rushing to get out the door to the market to get more minutes when my phone rang again (we found out it works for incoming calls when there are no minutes left!). The woman continued to insist that we had to send her the voucher some how and I finally said, "We're coming in the morning at 8am, we'll have the voucher for you, I promise!" She finally laughed (!) and said okay and we hung up.

Then we went off to the market for more cell phone minutes, my medication and then to Pollo Campero. When we finally ordered I called Reyna back and she kept saying (in English), "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, "Todo bien? Todo bien?" And she said, "Si, todo bien, Thank you!!!" I started crying and laughing! I was so relieved!

Sunday 20 April 2008

on our way home

we're off tomorrow morning. we still don't have marta alicia's visa, we will get that in the morning. please continue to pray us home, that there will be no more mistakes in her paperwork and for comfort for her broken heart. she is doing well and grieving well, but it is very hard. thank you!

Thursday 17 April 2008


I didn't get to post yesterday and I don't have much time tonight. Yesterday was a hard day. Today was better. Lots of emotions, but we seem to be weathering them.

We didn't go on the activity yesterday. We hung around the school, did some studying, Marta Alicia took a nap and we ended up at Pollo Campero again (I'm starting a "No More Chicken" campaign!). Today we had school and then went swimming all afternoon. It was the prettiest day yet here. Very warm and very few clouds. After swimming we went to dinner at a nearby restaurant, which was very enjoyable. They make the most delicious fruit and milk drinks, like a light shake, only better. :)

Tonight we planned a party for Saturday night with Marta Alicia's foster family. It will be a "thank you" party as well as one to celebrate Vilma's and Fidel's birthdays. It was really fun to plan and hopefully will be even more fun to implement.

Well, off to bed. Lots of packing to do tomorrow and then we head to Panajachel, which is a two hour drive from here (if there isn't traffic or construction). The town is on a crater lake surrounded by 3 volcanoes. Clearly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. We'll meet Marta Alicia's foster family there and play for the weekend until Sunday afternoon. Please keep this in your prayers as it will be challenging (linguistically and emotionally) for all. I may not have a chance to update anymore before we come home, but if I can, I will.

I added a picture of the Volcano puffing a little smoke yesterday morning and Tim with the "kids" (I love writing that!) at the restaurant after dinner (picture Marta Alicia asleep on Tim's head with her hair hanging down in his face-very funny!).

P.S. I went to the eye doctor today. I'm on my third eye medication. Still have blurry vision in my right eye. Hopefully, this will help. I'll see my opthomologist when I get home on Tuesday to check things out further. Love to all!

Tuesday 15 April 2008


Today was much like yesterday. We went to school in the morning and swam and played on the playground in the afternoon. For dinner we went to a restaurant in Antigua and stopped for ice cream on the way home. In between we've been doing our homework. I'm really enjoying learning even more this time. I am able to understand more conversation and communicate more clearly. I have a long way to go, but as Mom would say, the more I learn the more places I have to tuck information. Wish you were here, Mom! I really miss you!

The more I get to know Marta Alicia the more I see that she is just wired for joy! She just gravitates toward laughing, smiling, teasing, fun and affection. When things are hard, the tears are plentiful, but she welcomes comfort and is open to reason. Even as I've been writing this she's snuck up on me three times to tickle me and snuggle. She really is fun and funny. Okay, make that four, I guess I'd better go. :)

Earthquake or erruption? or both?

The excitement began last night just as we all got tucked into bed. Marta Alicia had fallen asleep while I was reading her last book. Caleb was in his bed finishing his last book by flashlight. Tim and I were laying in bed chatting when the window beside me started shaking violently. At first I wondered if a big truck had just passed the house, but then the bed started to shake. As we jumped out of bed and yelled for Caleb we felt the house starting to sway. We grabbed Marta Alicia who was just waking up in a fright. At first we just huddled under the door jam but then decided it was strong enough to get out. We ran out onto the porch as it began to subside. We found our other housemates there as well. We were all a bit shaken (pun intended), Marta Alicia was crying and Caleb couldn't stop talking, lol! I guess we all have our own reaction to fear!

This morning we learned that there was a 6.2 earthquake on the coast. In addition, one of our house-mates saw the nearby volcano, which normally just puffs smoke, glowing red in the night last night. Today, ash has been falling and the volcano is covered with it. So, I guess you can say we had a little taste of both. It is at times like these that we realize that our very breath is a gift from God. We are very grateful to be able to "write home" about it! :)

Monday 14 April 2008


We had another great day school. To my surprise, Marta Alicia and Caleb each had their old teachers from December. I was pleased to see pages of writing in Caleb's book, not pages of draw battles! He even has homework! Marta Alicia practiced things like, "Mom, I'm hungry." and "Mom, I'm thirsty." A wee bit more functional than "Good morning" and "Good afternoon". :)

After a wonderful lunch of chicken and rice (I got the recipe, now I'll just need a little help from Ashley to execute it!) we went to the pool at a nearby hotel. When we got there, we had the pool to ourselves. Soon there were a few others, and one young girl about Marta Alicia's age asked her to play. That was cool! We swam until we were freezing, had a snack of hot dogs and fries (MA will have a rude awakening when she gets home to OUR kitchen!) and then we played on the playground. We were all pretty exhausted when we finished. We walked back home via the market with Marta Alicia fast asleep on Tim's shoulders again. While I ran in for some groceries Tim and the kids waited outside. When I emerged they told me they had just bumped into four people from Maine who are in Guatemala with Safe Passage, a ministry that is based out of Portland, Maine! :)

After a supper of grilled cheese, fruit and yogurt we're winding down. Caleb and Marta Alicia are watching Peter Pan. I finally confiscated the game of Uno after listening to them bicker one time too many. Nothing like tired crabby kids! Ha! They're doing better just watching the movie together. I think we'll all sleep well tonight.

Thanks for your prayers about my bronchitis and eye infection. I had stopped taking the anti-inflammatory because the pain had subsided, but I realized that was a mistake. It's feeling a lot better now that I've started taking it again. Time will tell if the infection is abating--it's still pretty bloodshot. My lungs are improving slowly as well.

I'll post a few pictures of the kids at the pool and the playground. It was another fun day!

Sunday 13 April 2008


Today was a mello day. Every time I'm here I hope we can attend church somewhere, but so far I haven't been successful in finding out where one is or how to get there. So, we went out to breakfast in town and then bought a few books at a small bookstore. The bulk of the day was spent hanging out at the apartment, doing laundry, playing in the garden, doing a craft, watching movies, etc. I was able to access Rosetta Stone via our home library online and set Marta Alicia up to learn English. We did 3 1/2 lessons and she had repeated a few sentences in English before we were through. :)

Tonight we went out to dinner to, guess where? Yup, Pollo Campero. It's hard to beat the playground to keep hungry tired kids busy while the food cooks. At least this time we had pizza instead of chicken. We've been eating lots of mangoes, papaya, manzanas (oops, apples) and bananas in between meals, so at least we're getting a little fiber! After I finish this we're going to read our new books for awhile and then head to bed. We bought a Bible story book, Dr. Suess and some other award winning story in Spanish, which should be good practice for me and fun for Marta Alicia. In the meantime, the troops are watching a few minutes of the Red Sox beating the Yankees (whohooo!)! Are you watching, Mimi? :) Love to all!

Saturday 12 April 2008


I was glad we didn't have school today as I woke up with Bronchitis and a nasty eye infection. We went to the pharmacy this morning and got some saline solution and antibiotic drops. I layed down and slept for 3 1/2 hours. When I woke up my eye was MUCH worse, so we headed off to the nearest hospital, which was only about 2 blocks away. That was an experience! We walked into this dark building with a courtyard. I told the woman at the desk I had something wrong with my eye and she pointed me in the direction of the emergency room. We rounded the corner and saw three chairs lined up against the wall. We waited in the dark hall for a couple of minutes until the doctor came, turned on the light in the "emergency room" and I followed him in. It was truly just a room with a desk and one bed. We talked, he examined my eye, gave me two prescriptions (different antibiotic cream and a pain killer) and then we walked back to the front desk where we paid our bill--150 quetzales, or about $20. All that in about 15 minutes flat! We had even brought drinks and snacks and games to play in case it took a while. What a nice surprise not to need them!

After we got home Tim took off to the pharmacy again. He had to go to 2 different ones to get both meds. He did a great job putting the stuff in my eye and then he took off with the kids to Pollo Campero again and the market. Being sick is the LAST thing I expected or wanted to be on this trip, but it has given more bonding opportunities for Marta Alicia and Tim. It's fun to watch Marta Alicia run and jump on Tim and laugh and giggle and kiss him! When we were walking back from the pharmacy Tim had her on his shoulders. By the time we arrived back at the school, she had put her head down on his head and was fast asleep! Tim didn't realize it until he went to get her down and she was completely limp! It was so sweet! The other benefit to being sick has been to see Marta Alicia's tenderness towards me--another good "bonding" sign. :)

Working on this has given some time for the pain meds to kick in (I have no idea what it is I'm taking!) so I'm feeling MUCH better. Thanks for all of your prayers and feedback. It's so great to feel so supported and loved!

First Day of School

Yesterday was our first day of school, 8am to noon. We really enjoyed our teachers. I had requested our teachers from December, but they already had students, so we each had new ones. Mine is a sweet young woman who is a Christian. I enjoy her very much. I'm not sure how much Caleb learned. Most of the time he was throwing paper airplanes at me and his notebook is full of "draw battles". But he had fun and needless to say LOVED his teacher! LOL!

After a wonderful lunch at the school we participated in the activity for the afternoon. We rode a chicken bus to the palace of the first Bishop in Guatemala. I must say I didn't understand a lot, but it was fun to get out and about. We visited a couple of shops to get Guatemalan chocolate. It's much grittier than what we're used to, but has a marvelous flavor.

In the evening we went to Pollo Campero again and the kids played hard on the playground. For some reason, everywhere we go the kids LOVE to chase Caleb! It's quite funny. Marta Alicia seemed sad that the kids wouldn't play with her (for some unknown reason), but was happy to have Caleb join her. After dinner we went to the market for some food. Caleb was getting a gallon of milk out of the cooler and Marta Alicia tried to take it from him. He wouldn't let her and we asked her to stop. She got mad and hit Caleb. When I asked her to say sorry, she flatly stated, "NO!" Eventually she did, but it was a little tense for a few moments. I think the nice thing about the honeymoon phase is that we're given little glimpses of what may be ahead without it all coming at once. It gives a little more time for forethought and strategizing. :)

Marta Alicia was very sad at bedtime because we asked her to sleep in her own bed in the adjoining room to ours (not enough room for us all to fit in one room). (She had already staked out her place in our bed smack in the middle of Tim and I.) As she wimpered and hid her face from me I explained why it was so important (I needed sleep) I rubbed her belly and told her I loved her. She peeked at me a few times from behind her arms and then just drifted off to sleep. Needless to say, it was the best night's sleep for all of us. :)

I will post a few pictures from the activity we went on. What is interesting to me is that I see in pictures what I don't always notice in person. When I downloaded the pictures from the first couple of days I was surprised to see the fear in her eyes. But I don't see it in her eyes in these new pictures. It's so cool! :)

Friday 11 April 2008

New Passport and off to School

I woke up Thursday feeling awful! If there´s one thing I don´t like about Guatemala it is that something sets off my allergies very badly. That lead to feeling fluish and just plain miserable. As a result, Tim took Marta Alicia to the Office of Immigration to meet a man from our facilitator´s office to redo her passport. It was their first venture alone. I took a nap and they returned in about 2 hours appearing very content.

We had scheduled our van pick up for our trip to Antigua for 11am but had to change it because of the immigration appointment so we left for Antigua at 3pm. We arrived here at the school at 4pm. It seems one thing that is being required of us on this trip is flexibility. When we arrived we were told the person in our apartment wasn´t able to leave yesterday (perhaps flying on American?) and so they put us in the new apartment that hasn´t been finished yet. There were only 2 beds and when I asked for another we were told the person with the key to the room with the extra beds in it was gone. Let´s just say, it was NOT a very restful nights sleep (gracias, mi pulpita!). Did I mention there was no shower curtain for the shower or hot water, either? Anyway, it made for a refreshing start to the day!

It is wonderful to be back at the school! The staff and teachers remembered us from last time and gave us all a warm welcome. We are all enjoying our new teachers and this afternoon will be going on a short activity to see the palace of the first Bishop that has a good view of the town. We leave on a ¨chicken bus¨ in 10 minutes, or so. I don´t think we took any pictures yesterday, so I´ll work on taking some today to post. Thank you all for your love and prayers! Marta Alicia seems to be doing VERY well and we are all so grateful and happy!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

The Zoo and Children's Museum

We had a FABULOUS day! Reyna and her daughter Nancy met us at our hotel and we took a taxi to the zoo. It was small and had a run down little amusement section, but we had fun seeing all the animals, some of them at very close proximity. On our way to the zoo one of the families from our agency (Jenna) called to see if we wanted to go to the Children's Museum with them. We agreed to meet after the zoo.

We met Jenna and her family at the Children's museum at 1pm after a lunch of Pollo Campero (upscale Kentucky Fried Chicken). Jenna has 3 children ages 7, 5, 4 and her new daughter who is 5 months old. She has one other daughter who is 6 months old still going through the adoption process. We spent 3 fun-filled hours at the Children's Museum. We were SO impressed with the cleanliness, the variety of activities, the number of staff to help the children learn from each activity and the sheer size of the place. I wish I could transport it back to Maine! I haven't had so much fun in a long time!

Spending the day with Reyna and Nancy was truly a treat. They are both so sweet and fun to be with. Marta Alicia drifted back and forth easily between us. Many times she would yell, "Mama!" and I'd have to look to see who she was referring to. I joked with Reyna, "Cual Mama?" or "which Mama?" :) There were a few moments when I felt a little jealous, but they were few and fleeting. Toward the end of the day, there were a couple of moments when Marta Alicia wanted help, where she specifically asked for MY help. I truly didn't expect it this quickly, so I was surprised and am still contemplating it.

One unexpected blessing of the day started with a significant error on my part. I gave the taxi driver 10x the amount I was supposed to for our taxi ride (about $80!). I realized it 1/2 way through the day and explained it to Reyna. Fortunately, we had gotten the driver's business card so we called him to pick us up at the end of the day. When he came to pick us up Reyna explained the situation to him and he pulled out all of the money I had given him and handed it back to me!!! We paid him for the round trip and when we got back to the hotel Tim gave him almost as much again as a tip. May God bless him for his honesty--he was truly a blessing to me!

When we arrived back at the hotel Reyna and Nancy came up for a few minutes. Reyna and I talked and she showed me Marta Alicia's school books and all the work she had done. It was evident that Reyna had spent a great amount of time with her on them--every page was used to the fullest. We shared pictures with each other and our love for Marta Alicia. When it was time to go, there were no tears this time. I'm still contemplating this as well.

Our day ended with dinner at a fancy Mayan restaurant with Jenna's family and Darla's family (another family from our agency that we had spent time with at the Embassy on Tuesday). It was a sweet time of fellowship sharing experiences and things we hold in common like our faith, adoption and homeschooling. At the end Marta Alicia held the babies as we took pictures together. It was precious. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you, Jesus!

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Embassy Day

We were up bright and early for a 6:50am meeting with Sonia, our translator. We went to the Embassy, which is 2 buildings down the street from our hotel. We were taken to a waiting room where we settled in for the wait. Fortunately, we were number 10 of 30 families. Caleb and Tim started playing Uno. Before long, Martita was tempted to join in and I was impressed how much she remembered of the rules. She even beat Caleb the first round. I am pleasantly surprised at the growth of their collaboration and the reduction in their competitiveness, at least for the moment. :) It was fun to see them happy for each other even when they lost.

Our translator explained the error on the birth certificate and passport and we were advised to continue through the process and then explain the situation to the consular at the end. She was VERY pleasant and agreed it was an important error to correct and did everything to help make it easy for us. Our attorney will work on getting the new BC and passport and Sonia will turn it in to get our Visa. We were so relieved and grateful to not have to stay in the city to redo the Embassy appointment on Friday. The consular expressed her delight that we had chosen to adopt an older child. Her warmth was an unexpected surprise. :) I found myself tearing up during both interviews as the profundity of the event hit home.

The rest of today was spent mostly in down time since we were all so tired. We ate lunch, hung out at the apartment playing games, molding clay, watching TV, etc. Tomorrow we will head to the zoo. It's been a great day relaxing. Hopefully, we'll all feel better rested for the zoo tomorrow.

Our Reunion

To start with, things got a little mixed up with the meeting time. We had arranged with Reyna to meet at 4pm, but the facilitator had told her 5pm. It was pouring and so the traffic was horrible, delaying them further. Our translator (Sonia) came at 4pm anyway as we had to review our documents for the Embassy. As we reviewed them I noticed a discrepancy in her birthdate. The date on her new birth certificate was 10 days earlier! All the documents for the Embassy had this erroneous date, so we could have left it and been alright, but it would have changed it for the rest of her life. It seemed too important and fundamental, so we decided to do what it took to have it corrected. As it turned out, it will be an easy fix (new birth certificate and passport) but won't require a change in our plans or another trip to the Embassy for us. I felt like it was our first significant decision as her new parents and it felt right.

We were sitting outside waiting when Marta Alicia, Mama Reyna and her daughter, Nancy, rounded the fence and entered the hotel grounds. Martita started running and ran into my arms saying "Mami" and after a few good hugs transfered to Tim. It was a sweet reunion. After taking her thing to our room we went next door to La Casa Grande for dinner where the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. Our translator had to leave before Reyna came, so conversation wasn't as free-flowing as we had hoped. However, my Spanish had improved quite a bit since last summer and we were able to have a reasonable conversation. Reyna and Nancy will be in the city until Thursday, so we invited them to go to the zoo with us on Wednesday.

After dinner we returned to our room to visit and to give Reyna the shoes we had collected. I explained to Marta Alicia that our friends had given us lots of shoes so that her friends could have shoes as she had wished. It was PRECIOUS watching her plow through the suitcase of shoes pulling out different pairs and excitedly shouting to Reyna who she thought they would fit. Not once did she pull out a pair and try them on, she was focused on finding ones for her foster family and friends. Reyna found a pair of dress shoes that looked great on her and she was very pleased, as did Nancy. Reyna was very grateful.

Eventually, it was time for Reyna and Nancy to go. Once it was clear the time had come, the tears flowed freely, as I anticipated they would. After she sobbed for 15 minutes or so on Reyna's lap, Reyna picked her up and put her in my lap, which Marta Alicia allowed. We did our final hugs and good-byes and they left. As the door closed, she started to wail again. It's hard to describe it--a raw, deep pain that comes from the depths of her soul. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. Nevertheless, she curled up in my lap and let me rock her until the intensity subsided. I'm always amazed at her ability to live in the moment, feel the feelings and ride them out. Her courage and authenticity awe me.

Soon she began looking for her suitcase and we had fun going through its contents. Unfortunately, with all of my good intentions, all three pairs of shoes we bought her were way too big. In fact, the shoes we bought her nearly a year ago still fit well, although she already has them slated to be handed down to her foster sister, Nancy. (Additionally, I keep buying her size 8 slim clothes, but today she put on the size 6 skirt we bought her last summer!)

When it was time for bed, she asked to call Mama Reyna, which she did. It seems to be such a huge comfort to her to be able to call. Then she called Papi Fidel, who is still at home, then Reyna again to tell her she reached Fidel. She doesn't usually talk long, but just long enough to touch base and find out how they are doing and to tell them she is doing well. It's nice to know a little more Spanish so I can follow enough of the conversation to know she's telling them that she's doing well. :) Then we were off to bed. Within about 5 minutes she had curled her whole body up into my arms and was fast asleep. I didn't sleep a lot, as she earns her nickname "pulpita" well (little octopus), but by morning she was sleeping soundly glued to my side. Again, her instinct toward bonding amazes me. All told, I don't think we could have asked for a better reunion. We are grateful for everyone's prayers, for God's peace and sense that this is His doing.

Monday 7 April 2008

The Big Day

Marta Alicia and Mama Reyna will have gotten up at 3-4am to catch the bus to the city in order to make our 4pm appointment, today. I can't imagine what they must be thinking and feeling, knowing this is their last trip in together, knowing there are people Marta Alicia may never see again, at least not for quite a while. They will be very tired and I imagine it will be a somber trip. They have loved well and so they will hurt in kind. My heart is heavy for them. It will be a big day in many senses of the word.

Accommodation blessings

When we reached our hotel yesterday we were given a nice room, but there really wasn't comfortable space for an extra bed, especially with all of our luggage. We asked if there was a bigger room and they gave us the penthouse, so to speak. It's on the top (3rd) floor, has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths a living room, kitchen and 3 TVs! :) It's very comfortable and is so peaceful! What a blessing!

Sunday 6 April 2008

We made it to Guatemala

Well, we had a 1:30am departure from our house via limo to Boston. We were delayed in a holding pattern over Atlanta due to fog, so we had a very tight connection, or so we thought. We ran all the way to the gate and arrived about 7 minutes prior to departure, so grateful to have made it. Then the fun began. They reopened the door 3 additional times for more passengers, waited for the airline to find and remove the suitcases of a few passengers who didn't show up, watched the safety video 3 times, finally departed for the runway, were number 20 for take-off, then were informed when we got to number 1 that the 2nd engine wouldn't start and we had to return to the terminal. After getting it repaired and taking on yet another batch of passengers (yes, we watched the safety video 4 times!) there was bad weather in Florida so we had to wait for the fuel truck to give us more fuel so we could take a different route! So much for making our flight by the hair on our chinny chin, chin--we sat in the plane for 3 hours and 50 minutes before finally taking off! Fortunately, everyone was patient and gracious and the commraderie that developed was fun. We were grateful that we had arranged to meet Marta Alicia and Mama Reyna on Monday and not Sunday. It made the wait much less stressful.

So, tomorrow is finally the day we've waited so long for. It's hard to describe how it feels, other than exciting and frightening. We're off to get some needed sleep so we can meet the day refreshed. We covet your prayers for this important transition--for sensitivity and the strength to experience it in all its intensity. Love to all! Marti/Martha