Monday 23 June 2008

Our Two Month Anniversary

Yesterday marked 2 months since we've been home with Marta Alicia. I can't say whether it seems like forever or yesterday. It's been an intense two months full of challenge and growth for all of us. Most times it feels like we're in a bubble with the world carrying on around us...and without us. As someone once said, "It's hard work to heal a heart" and the surprise is learning my own wounds need to heal before I can help her heal. Sometimes the grief is overwhelming, and for good cause--a lot has been lost. But much has been gained, too, and that is our hope. Beneath the pain and trauma is a beautiful, sweet, gentle, loving, thoughtful, fun-loving reflection of God. We are truly blessed. :)

Thursday 5 June 2008

Please Pray for our Friends

On Monday night, 6-2-08, our friends were in a terrible accident. It happened at the farm where the pictures were taken (at the right) with the horses. Our friend, Phil (in the picture leading Marta on the horse) was riding with Gracie and Dee Dee (the two girls on the left of the picture with the 4 girls). Gracie, the oldest who was 9 (with the glasses), was killed. Dee Dee's skull was fractured and Phil received multiple broken bones. It is a horrible tragedy and loss. We and the kids meet at this family's house each week for Bible Study, so they are very dear to us. The three girls were sisters adopted from Romania 6 years ago, so our hearts ache all the more for them. Please pray. Thank you.