Monday 23 June 2008

Our Two Month Anniversary

Yesterday marked 2 months since we've been home with Marta Alicia. I can't say whether it seems like forever or yesterday. It's been an intense two months full of challenge and growth for all of us. Most times it feels like we're in a bubble with the world carrying on around us...and without us. As someone once said, "It's hard work to heal a heart" and the surprise is learning my own wounds need to heal before I can help her heal. Sometimes the grief is overwhelming, and for good cause--a lot has been lost. But much has been gained, too, and that is our hope. Beneath the pain and trauma is a beautiful, sweet, gentle, loving, thoughtful, fun-loving reflection of God. We are truly blessed. :)


Unknown said...


I love to read your blog. God bless you and your beautiful family.

Happy 2 months' anniversary!


Mamita J said...


Tomorrow will be one month home for us...and you wrote what I'm feeling.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Happy 2 mos anniversary. I was glad to see an update that included pictures of you, Mary and John.

I cannot imagine having your own hurt surface, the grief that you all are still feeling at the recent tragedy of your friends (is the father and Dee Dee okay?).

I know that in time, you all will heal from all and I am so happy for all of you.
