Tuesday 15 April 2008

Earthquake or erruption? or both?

The excitement began last night just as we all got tucked into bed. Marta Alicia had fallen asleep while I was reading her last book. Caleb was in his bed finishing his last book by flashlight. Tim and I were laying in bed chatting when the window beside me started shaking violently. At first I wondered if a big truck had just passed the house, but then the bed started to shake. As we jumped out of bed and yelled for Caleb we felt the house starting to sway. We grabbed Marta Alicia who was just waking up in a fright. At first we just huddled under the door jam but then decided it was strong enough to get out. We ran out onto the porch as it began to subside. We found our other housemates there as well. We were all a bit shaken (pun intended), Marta Alicia was crying and Caleb couldn't stop talking, lol! I guess we all have our own reaction to fear!

This morning we learned that there was a 6.2 earthquake on the coast. In addition, one of our house-mates saw the nearby volcano, which normally just puffs smoke, glowing red in the night last night. Today, ash has been falling and the volcano is covered with it. So, I guess you can say we had a little taste of both. It is at times like these that we realize that our very breath is a gift from God. We are very grateful to be able to "write home" about it! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

que susto!

Me alegro que estén todos bien.

Hugs and kisses,

Auntie Maife