Sunday 13 April 2008


Today was a mello day. Every time I'm here I hope we can attend church somewhere, but so far I haven't been successful in finding out where one is or how to get there. So, we went out to breakfast in town and then bought a few books at a small bookstore. The bulk of the day was spent hanging out at the apartment, doing laundry, playing in the garden, doing a craft, watching movies, etc. I was able to access Rosetta Stone via our home library online and set Marta Alicia up to learn English. We did 3 1/2 lessons and she had repeated a few sentences in English before we were through. :)

Tonight we went out to dinner to, guess where? Yup, Pollo Campero. It's hard to beat the playground to keep hungry tired kids busy while the food cooks. At least this time we had pizza instead of chicken. We've been eating lots of mangoes, papaya, manzanas (oops, apples) and bananas in between meals, so at least we're getting a little fiber! After I finish this we're going to read our new books for awhile and then head to bed. We bought a Bible story book, Dr. Suess and some other award winning story in Spanish, which should be good practice for me and fun for Marta Alicia. In the meantime, the troops are watching a few minutes of the Red Sox beating the Yankees (whohooo!)! Are you watching, Mimi? :) Love to all!

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