Saturday 12 April 2008


I was glad we didn't have school today as I woke up with Bronchitis and a nasty eye infection. We went to the pharmacy this morning and got some saline solution and antibiotic drops. I layed down and slept for 3 1/2 hours. When I woke up my eye was MUCH worse, so we headed off to the nearest hospital, which was only about 2 blocks away. That was an experience! We walked into this dark building with a courtyard. I told the woman at the desk I had something wrong with my eye and she pointed me in the direction of the emergency room. We rounded the corner and saw three chairs lined up against the wall. We waited in the dark hall for a couple of minutes until the doctor came, turned on the light in the "emergency room" and I followed him in. It was truly just a room with a desk and one bed. We talked, he examined my eye, gave me two prescriptions (different antibiotic cream and a pain killer) and then we walked back to the front desk where we paid our bill--150 quetzales, or about $20. All that in about 15 minutes flat! We had even brought drinks and snacks and games to play in case it took a while. What a nice surprise not to need them!

After we got home Tim took off to the pharmacy again. He had to go to 2 different ones to get both meds. He did a great job putting the stuff in my eye and then he took off with the kids to Pollo Campero again and the market. Being sick is the LAST thing I expected or wanted to be on this trip, but it has given more bonding opportunities for Marta Alicia and Tim. It's fun to watch Marta Alicia run and jump on Tim and laugh and giggle and kiss him! When we were walking back from the pharmacy Tim had her on his shoulders. By the time we arrived back at the school, she had put her head down on his head and was fast asleep! Tim didn't realize it until he went to get her down and she was completely limp! It was so sweet! The other benefit to being sick has been to see Marta Alicia's tenderness towards me--another good "bonding" sign. :)

Working on this has given some time for the pain meds to kick in (I have no idea what it is I'm taking!) so I'm feeling MUCH better. Thanks for all of your prayers and feedback. It's so great to feel so supported and loved!

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